The victim, 27 year old Swedish woman Elin Krantz, was a strong advocate of diversity and multiculturalism:

Her killer:

A pic of Elin after the attack: (Waaayyy NSFW):
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The general details: (
A 23-year-old man was charged for the rape and murder of a 27-year-old woman he allegedly attacked after the two stepped off a Gothenburg tram one evening in September. Elin Krantz and her alleged killer were riding the same tram to the Hisingen neighbourhood near Gothenburg in western Sweden. Shortly thereafter Krantz was raped and murdered in a wooded area not far from the tram stop, according to information from the investigation. Krantz and a friend were heading home on the number 5 tram line from the Valand nightclub in downtown Gothenburg around 4am after a Saturday night out together, according to an account by the Aftonbladet newspaper at the time of the killing. While Krantz’s friend got off the tram at the Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen stop, the 27-year-old continued in the direction of Gropegårdsgatan. But she never came home. A 23-year-old man was arrested shortly after the killing. On Friday he was charged with murder and aggravated rape. According to prosecutors, the 23-year-old suspect hit and/or kicked Krantz with such force that she was left with contusions and haemorrhaging on her head, neck, arms, and legs. The violence was so severe that it also caused nerve damage in Krantz's brain, resulting in a lack of oxygen. The 23-year-old is suspected of having raped Krantz by holding her down and forcing her legs apart. He then allegedly dragged her body over uneven ground and then placed it on a large stone block, according to prosecutors. Included in prosecutors' long list of injuries to Krantz are "burst membranes around the vaginal opening". According to the prosecutors, the 23-year-old showed "extreme ruthlessness".
As an aside, there has been a huge increase in the number of rapes in Sweden by immigrants:
Will the left ever learn?
Burying our heads in the sand will not correct this problem.
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