Many conservatives are not relishing the possibility of socialized medicine. There is good cause for concern since most countries that have socialized medicine have problems with it. The main reason for this is that socialized medicine relies on tax revenue. A national health system IS expensive and in order to have a maintainable system costs must be kept to a minimum. Minimum cost=minimum care. Is there an alternative?
Yes, and the alternative is to nationalize health care and pay for it with a dual currency. Since we are using valueless fiat money now anyway, this system could work. Also, the private sector and the Government have accumulated significant assets, and this makes my system a bit more workable although we have printed enough money that we can't really back it with anything.
Here's the deal. You have two currencies, a private sector dollar and a government dollar. Codified, so that the rate of exchange is always 1:1. The Government nationalizes our health care system, puts doctors and nurses on a government wage scale based on current private sector salaries. The Government health care employees are paid in Government dollars which are exchanged 1:1 for private sector dollars. This precludes the use of tax money to fund the system.
In the private sector, the cost of a brick and mortar building is a liability, as is the medical equipment that's in it. (i.e. a private company has to charge enough to recoup their costs plus allow for entrepreneurial profit) In the Government's case the building and equipment become the asset that backs the government currency, so the government would have a vested interest in maintaining the buildings and constantly upgrading the equipment.
Dual currency would have other applicability as well. Let's say a city needed a new bridge. The City Government issues an RFP and awards the contract. The city pays the contractor in Government dollars which are exchangeable 1:1 for private sector dollars. The completed bridge then becomes the asset that helps back the Government currency. (rather than a tax liability)
In this manner, most taxes could be eliminated and there would be a great improvement in our infrastructure. Medical care would not suffer and business would no longer be burdened with skyrocketing health care costs. This is actually a workable plan, but things being what they are, I'm not getting my hopes up.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Women and baby poop.
This post has nothing to do with politics or religion, but I thought of this while reading a blog that was scat related.
I can remember sitting in Lamaze class with the wife (I did not marry until I was a bit older than most) and the instructor mentioning approximately how many diapers WE would be changing in a year. I was thinking to myself, the real question is how many diapers would the WIFE be changing in a year as it was not going to be my job. How wrong I was on that one.
Stating the obvious, women go through some mental changes while, and after, being pregnant. One of the changes I noticed in my wife, besides the strong maternal instincts, was her ability to analyze baby poop. Now, although men do not mind getting their hands dirty, I never especially enjoyed changing a diaper.......especially after a blow out. Also, I don't care if it is your kid, baby poop still stinks; at times to the point of nausea. Long and the short of it was that when I had to change a diaper, I just changed it. I did not examine the poop.
I have to wonder if my wife knew I didn't like dealing with baby poop and just did this to pull my chain, but fairly frequently I would get a "hey honey, come check this out" only to get there and see her holding an open poopy diaper and expecting me to share her knowledge of what I was looking at. Apparently, there is quite a bit you can learn about your baby's health by analyzing it's poop.
For instance, a dark stool may indicate one issue, while a green stool has an entirely different meaning. Of course, there were the multi-colored stools with various chunks of undigested food in them. More than once I had one shoved up in my face to "check out". This baby stool analysis is definitely a chick thing.
There is, however, an issue that may be of interest to someone with a physics background. That is, how does 12 ounces of formula translate into 2 pounds of crap. I would have assumed that some of the liquid would be used by the little tike's body for energy and nutrition, but my kid always seemed to produce considerably more waste than the actual amount of food he ingested.
Ah, the joys of parenting.
I can remember sitting in Lamaze class with the wife (I did not marry until I was a bit older than most) and the instructor mentioning approximately how many diapers WE would be changing in a year. I was thinking to myself, the real question is how many diapers would the WIFE be changing in a year as it was not going to be my job. How wrong I was on that one.
Stating the obvious, women go through some mental changes while, and after, being pregnant. One of the changes I noticed in my wife, besides the strong maternal instincts, was her ability to analyze baby poop. Now, although men do not mind getting their hands dirty, I never especially enjoyed changing a diaper.......especially after a blow out. Also, I don't care if it is your kid, baby poop still stinks; at times to the point of nausea. Long and the short of it was that when I had to change a diaper, I just changed it. I did not examine the poop.
I have to wonder if my wife knew I didn't like dealing with baby poop and just did this to pull my chain, but fairly frequently I would get a "hey honey, come check this out" only to get there and see her holding an open poopy diaper and expecting me to share her knowledge of what I was looking at. Apparently, there is quite a bit you can learn about your baby's health by analyzing it's poop.
For instance, a dark stool may indicate one issue, while a green stool has an entirely different meaning. Of course, there were the multi-colored stools with various chunks of undigested food in them. More than once I had one shoved up in my face to "check out". This baby stool analysis is definitely a chick thing.
There is, however, an issue that may be of interest to someone with a physics background. That is, how does 12 ounces of formula translate into 2 pounds of crap. I would have assumed that some of the liquid would be used by the little tike's body for energy and nutrition, but my kid always seemed to produce considerably more waste than the actual amount of food he ingested.
Ah, the joys of parenting.
Life on Mars
The below photo was taken from the Opportunity rover on Mars. The link (for however longer it may be up) to the NASA hi-res photo is :
The second photo is a close up of the piece of wood, which is the blurry dark object in the first photo. Several Mars research sites have picked up on this, but the MSM has been silent as usual.
Additional commentary and links will follow below the photos.

The second photo is a close up of the piece of wood, which is the blurry dark object in the first photo. Several Mars research sites have picked up on this, but the MSM has been silent as usual.
Additional commentary and links will follow below the photos.

Sir Charles W. Shults III's website Xenotech Research ( )
has some excellent information on the photos of fossils which have been found on mars.
Another good site is Mars Anomaly Research ( )
J.P. Skipper has done and collected some good research, particularly as it pertains to water and vegetation on Mars, but some of the info on his site is sketchy and some of the conclusions are a bit out there. I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater though.
So why is our Government keeping the life on Mars news secret? There are several reasons. The first of which is that the Government has known for years about the existence of extraterrestrial life (see the Disclosure Project) and has been attempting to exploit some of the recovered technology. Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunk Works once remarked that "we already have the ability to travel among the stars". For this reason, there is a national security component which has to be considered.
Secondly is the impact on religion in particular and society in general. I think both are valid concerns and many conservative Christians may have a real problem coping with this, although there are some Bible passages that may deal with extraterrestrials. (such as Ezekiel and the wheel)
At any rate, though there are some valid issues that NASA and our Government might need to address, it's time to cut the cover up crap and just make the announcement. Considering the current world situation, it just may be a positive thing.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The death of radio newsman George Weber
A few excerpts from the New York Post: "A 16-year-old Queens youth confessed early this morning to the grisly slaying of radio newsman George Weber, who was stabbed as many as 50 times in his Brooklyn apartment, The Post has learned." The teen was identified as John Katehis.
A source told The Post that Weber, 47, an ABC News radio broadcaster, and the teen met on Craigslist and had been e-mailing one another.
Katehis, a Satan-loving teen with a knife fetish and a girlfriend, appeared to have a propensity for violence.
On his MySpace page, the teen wrote, "If you disrespect me then I will f----n break your neck."
Weber and Katehis agreed to meet Friday night for a sexual encounter after the newsman had promised him $60.
Weber had orginally placed an ad on Craigslist looking for someone to choke him and engage in oral sex."
Well, one thing's for sure, Weber needed to find a better hobby. Apparently, Satan worshipping is on the rise. Here is an excerpt from Australian network ninenews about a Russian Satanist gang crime back in September, 2008: "A Satanist gang has been accused of murdering four Russian teenagers, stabbing each of them 666 times before cooking their body parts on a bonfire and eating them.
The killers carried out the brutal killings in June, but the victims' remains were not found until last month, Russian police have revealed.
Each victim was stabbed 666 times — the biblical sign of the devil — before some of their limbs, breasts and genitals were cut off and their hearts ripped out as part of a ritual, according to UK's Daily Mail newspaper."
If there had just been a Taco bell nearby, these killings may have been avoided. The rise of these Satanic cults, particularly in Italy, led the pope's Regina Apostolorum University to offer it's students a course on Satanism and exorcism. Admittedly, Catholics complaining about Satanism is kind of the pot calling the kettle black since, in the United States, the Catholic church is, for the most part, nothing more than a continuing criminal enterprise for pedophiles. (Where's the RICO statute when you need it?)
What we are seeing today, with the increase in these Satanic cults, lack of ethics or morals in our business leaders (I'm leaving out politicians 'cause they never had any ethics or morals to begin with, most of them anyway) and lack of ethics or morals in the average citizen is what happens when we stop putting our faith in God. So how bad are things? Consider that an (accurately) estimated 80% of the mortgages written during the housing boom had some type of RESPA (Real Estate settlement Procedures Act) or Truth In Lending Act violation. Having trouble finding an honest mechanic or building contractor lately? The list goes on and on.
There was a time, not too long ago, when you could be pretty sure that 9 out of 10 people were basically honest and ethical. That is simply not the case today. This is another reason I think the flush lever has been pressed on the global toilet and we are all circling the bowl waiting for the flush to complete. With a few dishonest and unethical folks running around, society can still function. When most people are dishonest and unethical, and the majority of those are running various governments and businesses are dirtbags, then society cannot function. As the old saying goes, time to stock up on beans and ammo.
A source told The Post that Weber, 47, an ABC News radio broadcaster, and the teen met on Craigslist and had been e-mailing one another.
Katehis, a Satan-loving teen with a knife fetish and a girlfriend, appeared to have a propensity for violence.
On his MySpace page, the teen wrote, "If you disrespect me then I will f----n break your neck."
Weber and Katehis agreed to meet Friday night for a sexual encounter after the newsman had promised him $60.
Weber had orginally placed an ad on Craigslist looking for someone to choke him and engage in oral sex."
Well, one thing's for sure, Weber needed to find a better hobby. Apparently, Satan worshipping is on the rise. Here is an excerpt from Australian network ninenews about a Russian Satanist gang crime back in September, 2008: "A Satanist gang has been accused of murdering four Russian teenagers, stabbing each of them 666 times before cooking their body parts on a bonfire and eating them.
The killers carried out the brutal killings in June, but the victims' remains were not found until last month, Russian police have revealed.
Each victim was stabbed 666 times — the biblical sign of the devil — before some of their limbs, breasts and genitals were cut off and their hearts ripped out as part of a ritual, according to UK's Daily Mail newspaper."
If there had just been a Taco bell nearby, these killings may have been avoided. The rise of these Satanic cults, particularly in Italy, led the pope's Regina Apostolorum University to offer it's students a course on Satanism and exorcism. Admittedly, Catholics complaining about Satanism is kind of the pot calling the kettle black since, in the United States, the Catholic church is, for the most part, nothing more than a continuing criminal enterprise for pedophiles. (Where's the RICO statute when you need it?)
What we are seeing today, with the increase in these Satanic cults, lack of ethics or morals in our business leaders (I'm leaving out politicians 'cause they never had any ethics or morals to begin with, most of them anyway) and lack of ethics or morals in the average citizen is what happens when we stop putting our faith in God. So how bad are things? Consider that an (accurately) estimated 80% of the mortgages written during the housing boom had some type of RESPA (Real Estate settlement Procedures Act) or Truth In Lending Act violation. Having trouble finding an honest mechanic or building contractor lately? The list goes on and on.
There was a time, not too long ago, when you could be pretty sure that 9 out of 10 people were basically honest and ethical. That is simply not the case today. This is another reason I think the flush lever has been pressed on the global toilet and we are all circling the bowl waiting for the flush to complete. With a few dishonest and unethical folks running around, society can still function. When most people are dishonest and unethical, and the majority of those are running various governments and businesses are dirtbags, then society cannot function. As the old saying goes, time to stock up on beans and ammo.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
You knew it was coming......H.R. 40
This will get the ball rolling on slave reparations. My commentary follows at the end of the posted resolution.
1st Session
H. R. 40
To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
January 6, 2009
Mr. CONYERS (for himself and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act’.
(a) Findings- The Congress finds that--
(1) approximately 4,000,000 Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and colonies that became the United States from 1619 to 1865;
(2) the institution of slavery was constitutionally and statutorily sanctioned by the Government of the United States from 1789 through 1865;
(3) the slavery that flourished in the United States constituted an immoral and inhumane deprivation of Africans’ life, liberty, African citizenship rights, and cultural heritage, and denied them the fruits of their own labor; and
(4) sufficient inquiry has not been made into the effects of the institution of slavery on living African-Americans and society in the United States.
(b) Purpose- The purpose of this Act is to establish a commission to--
(1) examine the institution of slavery which existed from 1619 through 1865 within the United States and the colonies that became the United States, including the extent to which the Federal and State Governments constitutionally and statutorily supported the institution of slavery;
(2) examine de jure and de facto discrimination against freed slaves and their descendants from the end of the Civil War to the present, including economic, political, and social discrimination;
(3) examine the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the discrimination described in paragraph (2) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States;
(4) recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission’s findings;
(5) recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission’s findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1) and (2); and
(6) submit to the Congress the results of such examination, together with such recommendations.
(a) Establishment- There is established the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the ‘Commission’).
(b) Duties- The Commission shall perform the following duties:
(1) Examine the institution of slavery which existed within the United States and the colonies that became the United States from 1619 through 1865. The Commission’s examination shall include an examination of--
(A) the capture and procurement of Africans;
(B) the transport of Africans to the United States and the colonies that became the United States for the purpose of enslavement, including their treatment during transport;
(C) the sale and acquisition of Africans as chattel property in interstate and instrastate commerce; and
(D) the treatment of African slaves in the colonies and the United States, including the deprivation of their freedom, exploitation of their labor, and destruction of their culture, language, religion, and families.
(2) Examine the extent to which the Federal and State governments of the United States supported the institution of slavery in constitutional and statutory provisions, including the extent to which such governments prevented, opposed, or restricted efforts of freed African slaves to repatriate to their homeland.
(3) Examine Federal and State laws that discriminated against freed African slaves and their descendants during the period between the end of the Civil War and the present.
(4) Examine other forms of discrimination in the public and private sectors against freed African slaves and their descendants during the period between the end of the Civil War and the present.
(5) Examine the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States.
(6) Recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission’s findings.
(7) Recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission’s findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4). In making such recommendations, the Commission shall address among other issues, the following questions:
(A) Whether the Government of the United States should offer a formal apology on behalf of the people of the United States for the perpetration of gross human rights violations on African slaves and their descendants.
(B) Whether African-Americans still suffer from the lingering effects of the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4).
(C) Whether, in consideration of the Commission’s findings, any form of compensation to the descendants of African slaves is warranted.
(D) If the Commission finds that such compensation is warranted, what should be the amount of compensation, what form of compensation should be awarded, and who should be eligible for such compensation.
(c) Report to Congress- The Commission shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Congress not later than the date which is one year after the date of the first meeting of the Commission held pursuant to section 4(c).
(a) Number and Appointment- (1) The Commission shall be composed of 7 members, who shall be appointed, within 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, as follows:
(A) Three members shall be appointed by the President.
(B) Three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(C) One member shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate.
(2) All members of the Commission shall be persons who are especially qualified to serve on the Commission by virtue of their education, training, or experience, particularly in the field of African-American studies.
(b) Terms- The term of office for members shall be for the life of the Commission. A vacancy in the Commission shall not affect the powers of the Commission, and shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.
(c) First Meeting- The President shall call the first meeting of the Commission within 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, or within 30 days after the date on which legislation is enacted making appropriations to carry out this Act, whichever date is later.
(d) Quorum- Four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may hold hearings.
(e) Chair and Vice Chair- The Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The term of office of each shall be for the life of the Commission.
(f) Compensation- (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), each member of the Commission shall receive compensation at the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, for each day, including travel time, during which he or she is engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Commission.
(2) A member of the Commission who is a full-time officer or employee of the United States or a Member of Congress shall receive no additional pay, allowances, or benefits by reason of his or her service to the Commission.
(3) All members of the Commission shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties to the extent authorized by chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code.
(a) Hearings and Sessions- The Commission may, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, hold such hearings and sit and act at such times and at such places in the United States, and request the attendance and testimony of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers, and documents, as the Commission considers appropriate. The Commission may request the Attorney General to invoke the aid of an appropriate United States district court to require, by subpoena or otherwise, such attendance, testimony, or production.
(b) Powers of Subcommittees and Members- Any subcommittee or member of the Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any action which the Commission is authorized to take by this section.
(c) Obtaining Official Data- The Commission may acquire directly from the head of any department, agency, or instrumentality of the executive branch of the Government, available information which the Commission considers useful in the discharge of its duties. All departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the executive branch of the Government shall cooperate with the Commission with respect to such information and shall furnish all information requested by the Commission to the extent permitted by law.
(a) Staff- The Commission may, without regard to section 5311(b) of title 5, United States Code, appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as the Commission considers appropriate.
(b) Applicability of Certain Civil Service Laws- The staff of the Commission may be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, except that the compensation of any employee of the Commission may not exceed a rate equal to the annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code.
(c) Experts and Consultants- The Commission may procure the services of experts and consultants in accordance with the provisions of section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the daily equivalent of the highest rate payable under section 5332 of such title.
(d) Administrative Support Services- The Commission may enter into agreements with the Administrator of General Services for procurement of financial and administrative services necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission. Payment for such services shall be made by reimbursement from funds of the Commission in such amounts as may be agreed upon by the Chairman of the Commission and the Administrator.
(e) Contracts- The Commission may--
(1) procure supplies, services, and property by contract in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriations Acts; and
(2) enter into contracts with departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal Government, State agencies, and private firms, institutions, and agencies, for the conduct of research or surveys, the preparation of reports, and other activities necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission, to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriations Acts.
The Commission shall terminate 90 days after the date on which the Commission submits its report to the Congress under section 3(c).
To carry out the provisions of this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated $8,000,000.
Under normal circumstances, I'd say this resolution had little chance of going anywhere, but with 254 dimocrats in the House and 56 dimocrats in the Senate plus the Milk Chocolate Messiah in the White House it looks like it may find wings and fly on through. Why not? We have bailed out banks, car companies, suppliers to car companies, insurance companies, upper level executives etc. Everyone wants a piece of the pie so why not do reparations for slavery. Heck, the Japanese FDR put into prison camps during WWII got money, so, surely the slaves are entitled to compensation.
OK, but where does it stop? The Irish were treated worse than slaves in many instances, should they get money? Women were supposedly oppressed and disenfranchised for years, should we compensate them? Throughout our history we have dumped on many racial and ethnic groups. Is that something to be proud of? No. Events happen, circumstances happen, history happens. We certainly have an obligation to apologize for past mistakes and I agree that if the actual victims of a travesty perpetrated by our government are still alive, they should receive some compensation for their actual lossess. Other than satisfying the greed of the descendants of the victims of slavery or other similar injustice, no money should be paid out to anyone but those directly affected.
In the case of slavery it should be remembered that warring African tribes would routinely capture survivors of a defeated enemy tribe and put them in slavery and quickly work them to death or execute them for sport. ( or sell them) Had slaves not been shipped out of Africa, their mortality rate would have been 100%. While slave conditions in the U.S. were appalling, the slaves could at least have a somewhat normal life expectancy, which was not the case in Africa. White European indentured servants had a pretty bad time of it too. Let's go ahead and get the check book out for them as well.
I think reparations will happen, I'll be interested to see what the final dollar value will be.
1st Session
H. R. 40
To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
January 6, 2009
Mr. CONYERS (for himself and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act’.
(a) Findings- The Congress finds that--
(1) approximately 4,000,000 Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and colonies that became the United States from 1619 to 1865;
(2) the institution of slavery was constitutionally and statutorily sanctioned by the Government of the United States from 1789 through 1865;
(3) the slavery that flourished in the United States constituted an immoral and inhumane deprivation of Africans’ life, liberty, African citizenship rights, and cultural heritage, and denied them the fruits of their own labor; and
(4) sufficient inquiry has not been made into the effects of the institution of slavery on living African-Americans and society in the United States.
(b) Purpose- The purpose of this Act is to establish a commission to--
(1) examine the institution of slavery which existed from 1619 through 1865 within the United States and the colonies that became the United States, including the extent to which the Federal and State Governments constitutionally and statutorily supported the institution of slavery;
(2) examine de jure and de facto discrimination against freed slaves and their descendants from the end of the Civil War to the present, including economic, political, and social discrimination;
(3) examine the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the discrimination described in paragraph (2) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States;
(4) recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission’s findings;
(5) recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission’s findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1) and (2); and
(6) submit to the Congress the results of such examination, together with such recommendations.
(a) Establishment- There is established the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the ‘Commission’).
(b) Duties- The Commission shall perform the following duties:
(1) Examine the institution of slavery which existed within the United States and the colonies that became the United States from 1619 through 1865. The Commission’s examination shall include an examination of--
(A) the capture and procurement of Africans;
(B) the transport of Africans to the United States and the colonies that became the United States for the purpose of enslavement, including their treatment during transport;
(C) the sale and acquisition of Africans as chattel property in interstate and instrastate commerce; and
(D) the treatment of African slaves in the colonies and the United States, including the deprivation of their freedom, exploitation of their labor, and destruction of their culture, language, religion, and families.
(2) Examine the extent to which the Federal and State governments of the United States supported the institution of slavery in constitutional and statutory provisions, including the extent to which such governments prevented, opposed, or restricted efforts of freed African slaves to repatriate to their homeland.
(3) Examine Federal and State laws that discriminated against freed African slaves and their descendants during the period between the end of the Civil War and the present.
(4) Examine other forms of discrimination in the public and private sectors against freed African slaves and their descendants during the period between the end of the Civil War and the present.
(5) Examine the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States.
(6) Recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission’s findings.
(7) Recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission’s findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4). In making such recommendations, the Commission shall address among other issues, the following questions:
(A) Whether the Government of the United States should offer a formal apology on behalf of the people of the United States for the perpetration of gross human rights violations on African slaves and their descendants.
(B) Whether African-Americans still suffer from the lingering effects of the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4).
(C) Whether, in consideration of the Commission’s findings, any form of compensation to the descendants of African slaves is warranted.
(D) If the Commission finds that such compensation is warranted, what should be the amount of compensation, what form of compensation should be awarded, and who should be eligible for such compensation.
(c) Report to Congress- The Commission shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Congress not later than the date which is one year after the date of the first meeting of the Commission held pursuant to section 4(c).
(a) Number and Appointment- (1) The Commission shall be composed of 7 members, who shall be appointed, within 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, as follows:
(A) Three members shall be appointed by the President.
(B) Three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(C) One member shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate.
(2) All members of the Commission shall be persons who are especially qualified to serve on the Commission by virtue of their education, training, or experience, particularly in the field of African-American studies.
(b) Terms- The term of office for members shall be for the life of the Commission. A vacancy in the Commission shall not affect the powers of the Commission, and shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.
(c) First Meeting- The President shall call the first meeting of the Commission within 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, or within 30 days after the date on which legislation is enacted making appropriations to carry out this Act, whichever date is later.
(d) Quorum- Four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may hold hearings.
(e) Chair and Vice Chair- The Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The term of office of each shall be for the life of the Commission.
(f) Compensation- (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), each member of the Commission shall receive compensation at the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, for each day, including travel time, during which he or she is engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Commission.
(2) A member of the Commission who is a full-time officer or employee of the United States or a Member of Congress shall receive no additional pay, allowances, or benefits by reason of his or her service to the Commission.
(3) All members of the Commission shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties to the extent authorized by chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code.
(a) Hearings and Sessions- The Commission may, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, hold such hearings and sit and act at such times and at such places in the United States, and request the attendance and testimony of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers, and documents, as the Commission considers appropriate. The Commission may request the Attorney General to invoke the aid of an appropriate United States district court to require, by subpoena or otherwise, such attendance, testimony, or production.
(b) Powers of Subcommittees and Members- Any subcommittee or member of the Commission may, if authorized by the Commission, take any action which the Commission is authorized to take by this section.
(c) Obtaining Official Data- The Commission may acquire directly from the head of any department, agency, or instrumentality of the executive branch of the Government, available information which the Commission considers useful in the discharge of its duties. All departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the executive branch of the Government shall cooperate with the Commission with respect to such information and shall furnish all information requested by the Commission to the extent permitted by law.
(a) Staff- The Commission may, without regard to section 5311(b) of title 5, United States Code, appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as the Commission considers appropriate.
(b) Applicability of Certain Civil Service Laws- The staff of the Commission may be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, except that the compensation of any employee of the Commission may not exceed a rate equal to the annual rate of basic pay payable for GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code.
(c) Experts and Consultants- The Commission may procure the services of experts and consultants in accordance with the provisions of section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the daily equivalent of the highest rate payable under section 5332 of such title.
(d) Administrative Support Services- The Commission may enter into agreements with the Administrator of General Services for procurement of financial and administrative services necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission. Payment for such services shall be made by reimbursement from funds of the Commission in such amounts as may be agreed upon by the Chairman of the Commission and the Administrator.
(e) Contracts- The Commission may--
(1) procure supplies, services, and property by contract in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriations Acts; and
(2) enter into contracts with departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal Government, State agencies, and private firms, institutions, and agencies, for the conduct of research or surveys, the preparation of reports, and other activities necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission, to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriations Acts.
The Commission shall terminate 90 days after the date on which the Commission submits its report to the Congress under section 3(c).
To carry out the provisions of this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated $8,000,000.
Under normal circumstances, I'd say this resolution had little chance of going anywhere, but with 254 dimocrats in the House and 56 dimocrats in the Senate plus the Milk Chocolate Messiah in the White House it looks like it may find wings and fly on through. Why not? We have bailed out banks, car companies, suppliers to car companies, insurance companies, upper level executives etc. Everyone wants a piece of the pie so why not do reparations for slavery. Heck, the Japanese FDR put into prison camps during WWII got money, so, surely the slaves are entitled to compensation.
OK, but where does it stop? The Irish were treated worse than slaves in many instances, should they get money? Women were supposedly oppressed and disenfranchised for years, should we compensate them? Throughout our history we have dumped on many racial and ethnic groups. Is that something to be proud of? No. Events happen, circumstances happen, history happens. We certainly have an obligation to apologize for past mistakes and I agree that if the actual victims of a travesty perpetrated by our government are still alive, they should receive some compensation for their actual lossess. Other than satisfying the greed of the descendants of the victims of slavery or other similar injustice, no money should be paid out to anyone but those directly affected.
In the case of slavery it should be remembered that warring African tribes would routinely capture survivors of a defeated enemy tribe and put them in slavery and quickly work them to death or execute them for sport. ( or sell them) Had slaves not been shipped out of Africa, their mortality rate would have been 100%. While slave conditions in the U.S. were appalling, the slaves could at least have a somewhat normal life expectancy, which was not the case in Africa. White European indentured servants had a pretty bad time of it too. Let's go ahead and get the check book out for them as well.
I think reparations will happen, I'll be interested to see what the final dollar value will be.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.
Although we have an incredible amount of technology today, which, for the most part is a good thing, sometimes it is the simple pleasures that bring the fondest memories.
My mother grew up on a small farm and although she and her siblings and parents lacked many material goodies and creature comforts (such as running water), they always had food on the table. Fresh vegetables, wild berries and fresh or home canned meats and canned veggies. I did not know my grandparents until they were much older and living in a small country house on a acre or so, but I sure enjoyed visiting them when I was a youngster. Granddad hunted until he was into his eighties (master marksman too) and when we were visiting him he would get up early and feed his hound dogs and we would all sit down to a hearty country breakfast prepared by grandma. Home made preserves, sausage of various types, eggs, biscuits, grits etc. and for dinner it was plenty of meat and a choice of root vegetable, lima beans or corn, bread, gravy and such, all delicious and made with love.
My mother did a good bit less home cooking and scratch cooking, but she had her specialties like pot roast, chicken pot pie, meat loaf, fresh fried fish and other seafood (we lived on the East Coast), beef stew and for lunch one of my favorite meals was a grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup. We also had a wood burning fireplace in our house and we had one of those clam shell popcorn poppers that you could hold over the fire to pop the corn...delicious. Although dad worked some pretty long hours, most of the time the family was able to dine together and enjoy a good, often home cooked (as opposed to pre-cooked and frozen) meal.
My wife was reared by hardworking, but usually poor, parents and in her house scratch cooking was an economic necessity. My wife learned the art of cooking from scratch, with just a few basic ingredients and I have been quite thankful she learned that skill. (Though I'm a bit less thankful for my expanding waistline) Now, our son gets to enjoy delicious, made from scratch, meals most days and one of his favorite meals is a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup; sometimes it's Campbell's and sometimes it's some of our homemade and home canned soup. I know he will always have fond memories of sitting at the dinner table with the family enjoying a good home cooked meal.
For most people under 30, a home cooked meal made with love is something they will never experience. With half of all marriages ending in divorce (this corresponds with the increasing size of the frozen food section at the local supermarket) and most divorced single mothers constantly bitching to their male children about how their ex-hubbie in particular and men in general suck, it's no wonder we have a generation or two of emasculated men, some of whom grow up to be environmental homosexuals. (I actually think there are two types of homosexuality, genetic and environmental. One type is due to a genetic screw up and the other is due to the environment one is reared in.) The single parent family (male or female) is not what God intended.
Men have forgotten their biblically mandated role as a Godly head of the household and women have forgotten their biblically mandated duties as wives. Home economics is rarely taught in schools any more and it seems like more men today have an interest in cooking than do women. (This is not necessarily bad as a good cook can be male or female, but the food always seems to have more love if it was made by mom.) Too bad, because a good meal, eaten with the family, is one of those life experiences that tends to induce a sense of civility and compassion in a person.
When an older person drives by a restaurant that advertises "home cooking", they get a memory of a meal that may have taken hours to prepare and that was enjoyed by the entire family. For many younger folks, the memory they get is of a frozen TV dinner getting tossed into the microwave.
Sometimes the good 'ol days WERE the good 'ol days.
My mother grew up on a small farm and although she and her siblings and parents lacked many material goodies and creature comforts (such as running water), they always had food on the table. Fresh vegetables, wild berries and fresh or home canned meats and canned veggies. I did not know my grandparents until they were much older and living in a small country house on a acre or so, but I sure enjoyed visiting them when I was a youngster. Granddad hunted until he was into his eighties (master marksman too) and when we were visiting him he would get up early and feed his hound dogs and we would all sit down to a hearty country breakfast prepared by grandma. Home made preserves, sausage of various types, eggs, biscuits, grits etc. and for dinner it was plenty of meat and a choice of root vegetable, lima beans or corn, bread, gravy and such, all delicious and made with love.
My mother did a good bit less home cooking and scratch cooking, but she had her specialties like pot roast, chicken pot pie, meat loaf, fresh fried fish and other seafood (we lived on the East Coast), beef stew and for lunch one of my favorite meals was a grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup. We also had a wood burning fireplace in our house and we had one of those clam shell popcorn poppers that you could hold over the fire to pop the corn...delicious. Although dad worked some pretty long hours, most of the time the family was able to dine together and enjoy a good, often home cooked (as opposed to pre-cooked and frozen) meal.
My wife was reared by hardworking, but usually poor, parents and in her house scratch cooking was an economic necessity. My wife learned the art of cooking from scratch, with just a few basic ingredients and I have been quite thankful she learned that skill. (Though I'm a bit less thankful for my expanding waistline) Now, our son gets to enjoy delicious, made from scratch, meals most days and one of his favorite meals is a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup; sometimes it's Campbell's and sometimes it's some of our homemade and home canned soup. I know he will always have fond memories of sitting at the dinner table with the family enjoying a good home cooked meal.
For most people under 30, a home cooked meal made with love is something they will never experience. With half of all marriages ending in divorce (this corresponds with the increasing size of the frozen food section at the local supermarket) and most divorced single mothers constantly bitching to their male children about how their ex-hubbie in particular and men in general suck, it's no wonder we have a generation or two of emasculated men, some of whom grow up to be environmental homosexuals. (I actually think there are two types of homosexuality, genetic and environmental. One type is due to a genetic screw up and the other is due to the environment one is reared in.) The single parent family (male or female) is not what God intended.
Men have forgotten their biblically mandated role as a Godly head of the household and women have forgotten their biblically mandated duties as wives. Home economics is rarely taught in schools any more and it seems like more men today have an interest in cooking than do women. (This is not necessarily bad as a good cook can be male or female, but the food always seems to have more love if it was made by mom.) Too bad, because a good meal, eaten with the family, is one of those life experiences that tends to induce a sense of civility and compassion in a person.
When an older person drives by a restaurant that advertises "home cooking", they get a memory of a meal that may have taken hours to prepare and that was enjoyed by the entire family. For many younger folks, the memory they get is of a frozen TV dinner getting tossed into the microwave.
Sometimes the good 'ol days WERE the good 'ol days.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The times they are a changin'.
The Oakland California police department suffered the loss of four officers as a result of a saturday shootout that started after a routine traffic stop conducted by two motorcycle patrolman and ended in a final shootout with SWAT officers. Three police were killed outright and the fourth officer is on life support but has been declared brain dead. The four officers killed were Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, Sgt. Ervin Romans, 43, Sgt. Daniel Sakai, 35, and Officer John Hege, 41. The fine upstanding citizen that shot them was Lovelle Mixon, 26. Mixon was killed by the SWAT team who, thoughtfully, saved the Oakland taxpayers the cost of a trial and jail time before the bad guy would have been executed. I cannot find mention of nor do I remember a similar circumstance in recent memory where four police were killed, however, there have been a couple of similar incidents. (We pray for the souls of the officers and even for the soul of the bad guy; we do not get forgiveness if we do not give forgiveness)
There was the infamous 1986 Miami Shootout in which FBI agents Gerald Dove and Benjamin Grogan were killed and five other agents were severely wounded. They were trying to arrest a couple of heavily armed bank robbers, who were both expert marksman.
In 1997 there was the North Hollywood shootout in which two bank robbers, also heavily armed, but were lousy shots, wounded 10 police and SWAT officers. Had the bad guys been better marksman, those 10 injuries could have easily been 10 fatalities.
Now, the liberal take on this will be that the poor, downtrodden, oppressed bad guy was being unnecessarily harassed by the hate filled, bigoted po-lice and not only is it society's fault, but we need to ban assault rifles and guns in general so this kind of thing will not happen again. (ask the Aussies what happened to their violent crime rate after they banned and confiscated most guns there)
My take on this is a bit different. The Godless liberal swine, who have been extremely successful at removing God from school, Government and our everyday lives and who have fostered an educational system that rewards stupidity, led to the current situation we now find ourselves in. In the not too distant past, even the bad guys had some respect for law enforcement. Officer shootings were not unknown, but were extremely rare. Couple a failed education system with the break up of the traditional family, remove God, and you end up with a bunch of selfish, Satan loving animals looking only for their self-gratification. (Thanks liberals, job well done) They could care less whether they were shooting a policeman or a six year old kid. If we could only humanely euthanize liberals in the spirit of Godly love and compassion......................
There was the infamous 1986 Miami Shootout in which FBI agents Gerald Dove and Benjamin Grogan were killed and five other agents were severely wounded. They were trying to arrest a couple of heavily armed bank robbers, who were both expert marksman.
In 1997 there was the North Hollywood shootout in which two bank robbers, also heavily armed, but were lousy shots, wounded 10 police and SWAT officers. Had the bad guys been better marksman, those 10 injuries could have easily been 10 fatalities.
Now, the liberal take on this will be that the poor, downtrodden, oppressed bad guy was being unnecessarily harassed by the hate filled, bigoted po-lice and not only is it society's fault, but we need to ban assault rifles and guns in general so this kind of thing will not happen again. (ask the Aussies what happened to their violent crime rate after they banned and confiscated most guns there)
My take on this is a bit different. The Godless liberal swine, who have been extremely successful at removing God from school, Government and our everyday lives and who have fostered an educational system that rewards stupidity, led to the current situation we now find ourselves in. In the not too distant past, even the bad guys had some respect for law enforcement. Officer shootings were not unknown, but were extremely rare. Couple a failed education system with the break up of the traditional family, remove God, and you end up with a bunch of selfish, Satan loving animals looking only for their self-gratification. (Thanks liberals, job well done) They could care less whether they were shooting a policeman or a six year old kid. If we could only humanely euthanize liberals in the spirit of Godly love and compassion......................
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