Below: Josef Mengele "Angel of Death"

I recently completed a post on the SS resort at Auschwitz and showed a photo of several SS officers that included Josef Mengele, who is known as the Angel of Death. Although most people should have some idea of his atrocities, I'll show some boilerplate history on him:
"In May of 1943, Mengele replaced another doctor who had fallen ill at the Nazi extermination camp Birkenau. On May 24, 1943, he became medical officer of Auschwitz-Birkenau's "Gypsy camp". In August 1944, this camp was liquidated and all its inmates gassed. Subsequently Mengele became Chief Medical Officer of the main infirmary camp at Birkenau. He was not, though, the Chief Medical Officer of Auschwitz — superior to him was SS-Standortarzt (garrison physician) Eduard Wirths.[6]
During his 21-month stay at Auschwitz, Mengele earned the sobriquet "Angel of Death" for the cruelty he visited upon prisoners. Mengele was referred to as "der weisse Engel" ("the White Angel") by camp inmates because when he stood on the platform inspecting new arrivals and directing some to the right, some to the left, his white coat and white arms outstretched evoked the image of a white angel. Mengele took turns with the other SS physicians at Auschwitz in meeting incoming prisoners at the camp, where it was determined who would be retained for work and who would be sent to the gas chambers immediately.[7] In one instance, he drew a line on the wall of the children's block 150 centimeters (about 5 feet) from the floor, and sent those whose heads could not reach the line to the gas chamber. (Lifton, p. 346.)[8]
"He had a look that said 'I am the power,'" said one survivor. When it was reported that one block was infested with lice, Mengele gassed every single one of the 750 women assigned to it."[9]
Human experimentation
Mengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his research on heredity, using inmates for human experimentation. He was particularly interested in identical twins; they would be selected and placed in special barracks. He also recruited Berthold Epstein, a Jewish pediatrician. As a doctor, Epstein proposed to Mengele a study into treatments of the disease called Noma that was noted for particularly affecting children from the camp.[10]
While the exact cause of Noma remains uncertain, it is now known that it has a higher occurrence in children suffering from malnutrition and a lower immune system response. Many develop the disease shortly after contracting another illness such as measles or tuberculosis.[11]
Mengele took an interest in physical abnormalities discovered among the arrivals at the concentration camp. These included dwarfs, notably the Ovitz family - the children of a Romanian artist, of whom seven of the 10 members were dwarfs. Prior to their deportation, they toured in Eastern Europe as the Lilliput Troupe. Mengele often called them "my dwarf family"; to him they seemed to be the perfect expression of "the abnorm".[citation needed]
Mengele's experiments also included attempts to change eye color by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, various amputations of limbs and other brutal surgeries. Rena Gelissen's account of her time in Auschwitz details certain experiments performed on female prisoners around October 1943. Mengele would experiment on the chosen girls, performing sterilization and shock treatments. Most of the victims died, either due to the experiments or later infections. According to a website, "Once Mengele's assistant rounded up 14 pairs of Roma twins during the night. Mengele placed them on his polished marble dissection table and put them to sleep. He then injected chloroform into their hearts, killing them instantly. Mengele then began dissecting and meticulously noting each and every piece of the twins' bodies."[8]
At Auschwitz, Mengele did a number of twin studies. After the experiment was over, these twins were usually murdered and their bodies dissected. He supervised an operation by which two Romanie children were sewn together to create conjoined twins; the hands of the children became badly infected where the veins had been resected, this also caused gangrene.[8]
The subjects of Mengele's research were better fed and housed than ordinary prisoners and were, for the time being, safe from the gas chambers.[12] When visiting his child subjects, he introduced himself as "Uncle Mengele" and offered them sweets. Some survivors remember that despite his grim acts, he was also called "Mengele the protector".[13]
The book Children of the Flames, by Lucette Matalon Lagnado and Shiela Cohn Dekel, chronicles Mengele's medical experimental activities on approximately 3,000 twins who passed through the Auschwitz death camp during World War II until its liberation at the end of the war. Only 100 pairs of twins survived;[14] 60 years later, they came forward about the special privileges they were given in Auschwitz owing to Mengele's interest in twins, and how as a result they have suffered, as the children who survived his medical experiments and injections.[8]
OK, there's no doubt that Mengele was a completely sadistic scumbag. The Jews have endlessly recounted the atrocities he committed in order to keep the Holocaust fresh in everyone's mind and to gain worldwide sympathy and to ensure Israel benefits financially as well.
So, one would think that in light of the horrors perpetrated against the Jews that they would be especially sensitive in their treatment of others, especially those that they considered enemy combatants. Yet we see in the case of the Gaza action that Israel has been using white phosphorus against civilians and has been ruthlessly murdering innocent women and children.
Now comes this (Link): (My bold)
February 25, 2010
The Israeli occupation forces have been accused by a Palestinian Researcher of carrying out "thousands of experiments on Palestinian prisoners every year" which have lead to an increase in the number diagnosed with cancer. The specialist in Palestinian prisoners' affairs, Abdul Naser Ferwana, himself a former prisoner of the Israelis, claims that "more than five thousand experiments using serious drugs put prisoners' lives at risk".
According to Ferwana's research, dozens of former prisoners have been diagnosed with cancer months and even years after their release; some have died while others are living with the disease. He believes that the experiments prisoners have been exposed to in prison are the direct cause of the high incidence of cancer in this section of the population. Deliberate medical neglect by the prison authorities also cannot be ruled out, he added.
Ferwana accused the Israeli Ministry of Health of granting permits for conducting clinical trials for certain medication on detainees. He also accused the Israelis of building prisons and detention camps in the Negev desert, in particular, to subject the prisoners to environmental experiments and determine the effects on the environment and human beings in close proximity to the Dimona nuclear reactor and its toxic waste buried nearby.(!!!) In early January the Israeli Environment Ministry published a report which warned of the presence of toxic waste, including nuclear waste and asbestos - both are carcinogens in the Negev area in which the prisons of Nafha and Reymon, and the Negev detention centre, are situated. This may, advised the ministry, cause malignant diseases including cancer due to being in the vicinity of the Dimona reactor.
He explained that the former Chair of the Israeli parliamentary science committee, Dalia Isik MK, who now leads the Kadima Party in the Knesset, revealed as long ago as July 1997 details of one thousand serious experiments and medication tests which are conducted on Palestinian and Arab prisoners yearly. She confirmed that she had an equal number of permits from the Ministry of Health to conduct such experiments on behalf of Israeli pharmaceutical companies. This was confirmed by Amy Leftat, Chief of the Division of Medicines in the Ministry of Health, in the same Knesset meeting. It was added that there is an annual increase in the number of permits of about 15 percent.
Mr. Ferwana pointed out that if there were 1000 experiments 13 years ago, with a 15 percent annual increase ever since, "then today we're talking about more than five thousand experiments a year", something that the Israeli occupation authorities have not denied and clearly have no intention of stopping. Coupled with the rise in cancers amongst prisoners and ex-prisoners, this is, he said, a clear indication that the experiments are ongoing.
The evidence of a prisoner who has a degree in nursing suggests that prisoners in Ramla Prison Hospital are given doses of toxic substances. The authorities there, it is claimed, are "indifferent" to the effects on prisoners' health.
According to statistics used by the researcher, the number of sick prisoners inside Israeli jails is now more than 1,500 with various illnesses, chronic and malignant, including dozens in need of urgent operations and special care. He pointed out that there are still an estimated 16 prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention camps suffering from various cancers. An accurate number can be ascertained if access is given to an independent medical research team in order to complete proper tests.
Source: Quds Press
So, the Israelis are subjecting Palestenian prisoners to deadly radiation exposure and attempting to treat them with various, usually ineffective, medications with the result that many of these prisoners are suffering slow, painful deaths. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!
So, why would Israel be helping their pharmaceutical industry in this manner? Follow the money (Link):" Israel has a large, successful and growing pharmaceutical industry. The major companies include several which are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, most notably Teva, whose market valuation in July 2002 was approximately US $8 billion."
Again, I personally separate the Zionist Jews from the devout Jews that follow the Torah, but it is no wonder, in light of facts such as these, that worldwide anti-semitism is growing. As Zionist atrocities continue to get worldwide attention, the support for the United States in assisting Israel when they finally attack Iran diminishes.
It is also important to factor in Russian and Chinese politics as well. The Russians have been pressuring China to dump the dollar and the Chinese have liquidated some of their U.S. Treasury Bonds in an effort to continue to weaken the U.S. China is also upping their anti-U.S. rhetoric.
Bottom line is that America puts itself at great risk by continuing to be a slave of the Zionists. Certainly, there is trouble on the horizon and an already weakend U.S. can hardly afford another long term military conflict......though we may have no choice at this point.
I do not think there is any doubt, despite this video's assertion, that Iran IS developing nuclear weapons, but this video gives a good, brief history on the Israeli nuclear weapons program too.
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