The second photo is a close up of the piece of wood, which is the blurry dark object in the first photo. Several Mars research sites have picked up on this, but the MSM has been silent as usual.
Additional commentary and links will follow below the photos.

Sir Charles W. Shults III's website Xenotech Research ( )
has some excellent information on the photos of fossils which have been found on mars.
Another good site is Mars Anomaly Research ( )
J.P. Skipper has done and collected some good research, particularly as it pertains to water and vegetation on Mars, but some of the info on his site is sketchy and some of the conclusions are a bit out there. I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater though.
So why is our Government keeping the life on Mars news secret? There are several reasons. The first of which is that the Government has known for years about the existence of extraterrestrial life (see the Disclosure Project) and has been attempting to exploit some of the recovered technology. Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunk Works once remarked that "we already have the ability to travel among the stars". For this reason, there is a national security component which has to be considered.
Secondly is the impact on religion in particular and society in general. I think both are valid concerns and many conservative Christians may have a real problem coping with this, although there are some Bible passages that may deal with extraterrestrials. (such as Ezekiel and the wheel)
At any rate, though there are some valid issues that NASA and our Government might need to address, it's time to cut the cover up crap and just make the announcement. Considering the current world situation, it just may be a positive thing.
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