The United States Air Force has confirmed the existence of the RQ-170 Sentinel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. It has been seen in Afghanistan since 2007, but the USAF did not confirm it actually existed until December 4th, 2009. Due to its stealthy nature and menacing appearance, it has been nicknamed the "Beast of Kandahar."
Now, I would rather have Uncle Sugar spending our tax dollars on the homefront, but I suppose it is keeping some defense contractors employed, at least.
Since the Taliban lack radar, some have been speculating as to why this aircraft would be deployed to Afghanistan. A relatively good possibility could be that the Beast is being used to keep tabs on the Pakistani weapons research facility at Kahuta. It is also well known that the Chinese have been helping Pakistan with their nuclear and conventional weapons programs.
The stubby, but sturdy, landing gear could indicate that it can be launched and recovered by an aircraft carrier. It could be used to gather electronic radar and weapons signatures from Iran in preparation for a strike on that country as well.
It should also be a very quiet aircraft and able to get close to an enemy. It does not carry any weapons, but has extensive sensor arrays. This neat piece of tech was developed at the famous Lockheed "Skunk Works" facility and the 30th Reconnaissance Squadron, based in Tonopah, operates the RQ-170.
As an aside, the Predator UAV is manufactured by General Atomics subsidiary General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. General Atomics does some interesting things:
GA’s Energy Operating Group (Energy Group) plays an important role in nuclear research and development, and is well-regarded for contributions in nuclear power, magnetic fusion, and inertial fusion applications. The Energy Group converts fundamental theoretical research into authentic solutions, producing advanced technologies for use today.
GA’s Electromagnetic Systems (EMS) Division focuses on the military and commercial applications of advanced electromagnetic technologies, including power generation and distribution, magnetic levitation, and systems design and engineering. The EMS Division supports government customers, which include the Department of Defense, Department of Energy and the Department of Transportation. (My note: Notice the reference to magnetic levitation.)
General Atomics may be developing some type of advanced electro magnetic or atomic engine technology which could give a UAV essentially unlimited range and an ability to stay aloft for weeks a time.
At any rate, this is interesting stuff.
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