Shown above is the latest ad from Burger King. The ad is currently only running in Singapore, but how long before ads such as this start appearing in BK joints in America.
Vulgar ads are nothing new, but fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King have built a reputation on kid friendly/family friendly establishments. Though this is a Burger King ad, it sullies the reputation of all such restaurants in my opinion.
Christian parents can limit their children's exposure to such trash by limiting their kid's computer access, doing without television etc., but it's getting to the point that you cannot leave the house and go anywhere to get a reprieve from trash like this. While this ad may be suitable for placement in Hustler magazine, it has no place in kid-friendly restaurants.
Evangelicals who are so inclined may contact:
Burger King
Consumer Relations - 305-378-3535
Corporate Headquarters - 305-378-3000
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