Admittedly, Canada has, until recently, been a decent ally. They have also done a couple of good things such as selflessly sacrificing over 900 of their soldiers in the British planned (and thus doomed to fail) Dieppe raid of the second world war and they also allowed some planes to land on their turf when we went to a nationwide ATC Zero during 9/11.
These few decent acts in no way negate the horrendous atrocity the Canadian vermin have been perpetuating on us. As an aside, the Russians are again flexing their muscle and asserting their belief that Alaska is still theirs, so after we depopulate Canada we can bring our own troops in and mount a better defense of our territory.
Of course, the atrocity I'm referring to is that for years Canada has been sending BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) infected cattle to the U.S.. These infected cattle cause Mad Cow Disease. The CDC indicates the presence of Mad Cow in Canadian cattle is 18 to 48 times higher than that of U.S. cattle. It has been an open secret that whenever a Canadian farmer encounters a cow with Mad Cow that the cow is killed and buried on the farm and the authorities are not notified.
Here in flyover country some restaurants will let you know they serve no Canadian beef. I also try to buy beef from local farmers.
The World Organization for Animal Health indicated that Canada's heightened BSE risk CANNOT be effectively mitigated with the basic ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban that was initiated in 1997. In a side outrage, our idiotic FDA is planning to delay the April 27, 2009 launch of it's upgraded BSE feed ban, which will allow more high risk Canadian cattle into our country. (Just what kind of crap ISN'T our government complicit in, from Aspartame to 9/11, Uncle Sugar does not have our best interest at heart)
Now, I have to tell y'all straight up, when you start messing with a man's meat you are just askin' for trouble. Other than God, Country and Family, there is little else I value more than a good steak...........and when it gets to the point that those Canuk bastards are jeopardizing my divine right to eat a home grilled burger then you're dang right the missiles are gonna be leaving the silos.........BASTARDS, that's all I can say,..BASTARDS!!!!

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