Monday, January 24, 2011

Fluoride, Leaded Gas and Chemtrails, Oh My.



I suppose I could also have titled this post "Why is the Government trying to kill us?"  As with much of life, things are not always as they seem.  Let's start with.....


Fluoride: We were sold the bill of goods that fluoride strengthens tooth enamel. The real reason fluoride is put in our drinking water is

The truth about fluoride does not reach the public easily because fluoride, produced as a toxic waste byproduct of many types of heavy industry--such as aluminum, steel, fertilizer, glass, cement and other industries--must be disposed of somewhere. If it's not used as an additive to water, manufacturers would have to pay millions of dollars to dispose of it properly, so the pressure to keep fluoride listed as a healthy additive to water--and not as an environmental toxin that requires costly disposal--is great, and political pressures to keep fluoride in the drinking water is strong.


The U.S. government has been one of the key supporters for fluoridation. Despite the questions regarding fluoride's effectiveness and safety, the administration's stated federal health objective was to increase the number of Americans with fluoridated tap water from previous levels of 62 percent to 75 percent in 2000. Given half a century of support for fluoridation, it's also not likely that the American Dental Association will backtrack on its support for fluoridation. Some cities are taking action, and making the decision to stop fluoridating their water supply--or not to fluoridate in the first place.




Fluorine compounds or fluorides are listed by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) as among the top 20 of 275 substances posing the most significant threat to human health. Fluorides, hydrogen fluoride and fluorine have been found in at least 130, 19, and 28 sites, respectively, of 1,334 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Consequently, under the provisions of the Superfund Act (1986), a compilation of information about fluorides, hydrogen fluoride and fluorine and their effects on health was required. This publication appeared in 1993.



Fluorides are cumulative toxins. The fact that fluorides accumulate in the body is the reason that U.S. law requires the Surgeon General to set a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for fluoride content in public water supplies as determined by the EPA. This requirement is specifically for the purpose of avoiding a condition known as Crippling Skeletal Fluorosis (CSF), a disease that progresses through three stages. The MCL, designed to prevent only the third and crippling stage of this disease, is set at 4ppm or 4mg per liter. It was assumed that people retain half of this amount (2mg), and therefore 4mg per liter is considered ``safe." However, a daily dose of 2-8 mg is known to cause the third crippling stage of CSF.


Besides fluoridated water and toothpaste, many foods contain high levels of flouride compounds due to pesticide applications. One of the worse offenders is grapes. Grape juice was found to contain more than 6.8 ppm fluoride. The EPA estimates total fluoride intake from pesticide residues on food and fluoridated drinking water alone to be 0.095 mg/kg/day, meaning a person weighing 70 kg takes in more than 6.65 mg per day. Soy infant formula is high in both fluoride and aluminum, far surpassing the “optimal" dose—even when de-fluoridated water is used in preparation—and has been shown to be a significant risk factor in dental fluorosis.


 Before I get to leaded gasoline I want to touch on mercury. The American Dental Association has more blood on it's hands than supporting fluoridation of drinking water.


Dentists had been using mercury amalgam tooth fillings for years before anyone knew how toxic mercury is. The ADA merely suggests that if you have a problem with mercury tooth fillings you just replace them at your own expense. Millions of pounds of lead that would otherwise have to be disposed of by industry can instead be put into people's mouths.  Consider also that as modern dentistry has come to nations such as India and China millions more pounds of mercury waste can be disposed of via the amalgam fillings in their citizen's mouths.  Also,  cemeteries do not have to be treated as toxic waste dumps even though large cemeteries can contain hundreds of thousands of human remains which have thousands of pounds of mercury amalgam fillings that decay and leech mercury into local water tables.


Leaded Gas: Until the early 1970's, U.S. passenger cars ran on leaded gasoline. The Tetraethyll lead additive, used to reduce spark knock and lubricate engine components,  gave heavy industry a way to dispose of millions of pounds of lead each year that would otherwise require costly disposal.  The unwitting public gets chumped again.


Chemtrails: Google "chemtrails" and you will find a host of websites that "prove" chemtrails are real and an equal number of websites that debunk them. I have been studying chemtrails since their observation in 1996/1997 and can say without a doubt they are real. I believe chemtrails started out as a weather modification experiment. In the early/mid 1970's,  a patent was granted for a type of microfine aluminium that could be used for cloud seeding.  Apparently,  there has been an effort to engage in weather modification via cloud seeding on a global scale.


Subsequent tests  conducted on chemtrail residue have indicated the presence of various chemicals. (Link to one such analysis HERE)  In 2008, test results were conducted on Phoenix Air Quality during days when chemtrails were observed. Some of the results indicated:


cadmium is 126x the toxic limit,
chromium is 282x the toxic limit and
nickel is 169x the toxic limit.
aluminum is a stagg 6,400x the toxic limit,
iron is 28,000x the toxic limit,
magnesium is 5.3x the toxic limit,
potassium is 793x the toxic limit and
sodium is 15.9x the toxic limit
barium is 278x the toxic limit,
copper is 98x the toxic limit,
manganese is a staggering
5,820x the toxic limit
zinc is 593x the toxic limit


So,  again, we have what appears to be another case where industrial waste is being dumped/introduced to the general public.  It seems that any time the environmentalists make progress regarding industrial pollution standards/remediation, then industry, in cooperation with big government, just figures out an end around. Then we also have things such as MSG and Aspartame, both of which should be banned, but the FDA continues to allow them in our food supply.


Hopefully, people will finally get fed up with this crap.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your page and I too know chemtrails are factual. I've taken pictures of planes crossing without a destination...just a purpose to lay grids of chemicals in our sky. I've been studying their effects for a few years; after I contracted Morgellons. It was a wake up call for me. I've learned to control my unfortunate condition. I also took a heavy metal test and some of the metals were off the charts. I mean above the red, danger zone. I have a ways to go, for these to be cleansed from my system. I live in a large home, upper scale neighborhood, eat healthy and got a bit too much stress...then it hit me. I'm not sure what to do, but we need to spread the word and stand together to fight this war on humanity. I'm glad Jesus knows me, but what about those dying without His mercy? We need to fight for them and for our human rights... those of our children as well. John 3:16-18
