Friday, April 3, 2009

Is abortion murder?

From the Book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13 we get the commandment "Thou shall not kill". In looking at the earliest translations from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nash Papyrus we see that the commandment is "Thou shalt not do murder". Apparently, there are seven Hebrew words for killing, but the Hebrew word רצח (new Hebrew-I could not find a snippet of the original text to paste) as used in the commandment means murder.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." and from Mark 9:47-48 "And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell, where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched."

On the one hand we have the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" and on the other hand we have numerous (I've only included a couple) references to the soul being eternal, either in heaven or hell.

If your soul is eternal how can you murder someone? Our physical bodies are merely containers for our souls. If you murder the body the soul lives on, so is abortion really murder? Has anyone ever really been killed or have we merely destroyed the temporary container furnished for our soul?

Since our souls are eternal, the commandment refers to our physical bodies. The problem with murder, including abortion, is that it interferes with God's plan for us. From Jeremiah 1:4-5 "Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." As kind of an aside, women who had near death experiences that also had abortions reported that, as they were having their lives reviewed, they were shown by God what would have happened to their children if they had not been aborted..........."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you."
(This apparently had a profound effect on these women)

When we murder someone we do not just eliminate the container which carries their soul, we interfere with God's plan for us and this is what warrants the punishment. How arrogant and selfish of us to think we can change what God has planned for us. Is there a worse abomination than to think we know better than God? Can one actually fathom the punishment that awaits a woman, entrusted by God to incubate and nurture our physical bodies, who selfishly or out of complete ignorance chooses to alter God's plan for that soul?

Abortion is the sense that the physical container that was to be made for that specific soul has been destroyed, but the hard truth is much, much worse. Abortion is humanities feeble attempt at being superior to God by thinking we can subvert the will of God.

(Edited to add that there are passages in scripture that permit the state to execute criminals and to deal with evil doers by execution/elimination----these are necessary punishments as opposed to the shedding of innocent blood.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Soylent Green

I was reading Amy Tuteur MD's latest post on OS when I got to thinking about the movie Soylent Green and the issue of overpopulation. Our current estimated world population is 6.7 billion and the current estimated U.S. population is around 306 million.

The two issues as I see it are the actual overpopulation and employment overpopulation. By actual overpopulation I mean the number of people that the world's natural resources can sustain and by employment overpopulation I am referring to the number of jobs that are available for people.

For the people who think the world is not overpopulated there is the often cited example that you could give every person on earth a 1500/SF condo stacked either 3 or 5 stories high (I forget which) and the entire earth's population could fit into the state of Texas. What's missing from this example is the natural resources required to sustain that population. It has been reported that over 80% of U.S. rivers and streams are contaminated with high levels of heavy metals or other contaminants. Our population is, again, 306 million. China, although a bit larger than the U.S. has roughly the same livable area and has a population of approximately 1.3 billion. India now has a population in excess of a billion as well.

As to the sapping of the world's resources, both China and India are in the early stages of a water shortage, with both countries barely able to supply the recommended daily intake of potable water. Major commodities are getting more difficult to obtain. It is fairly obvious to me that the current worldwide population is large enough to be putting a strain on the world's resources. I would estimate that another billion or so increase in the population would be unsustainable. There are certainly inefficiencies in food production and distribution that, if corrected, might allow for more people, but not much more.

Besides the issue of gross overpopulation, we have the issue of finding jobs for all these people. Ten percent unemployment in the U.S. results in 30 million people out of work. Ten percent unemployment in China results in 130 million people out of work. We have been fortunate in America to have a bunch of ravenous consumers who require the constant production of various commodities and generally useless (but necessary?) items. I maintain that the real issue is not so much how many people the world's resources can sustain, but, instead, how many people can be put to work in gainful employment.

At some point, you have a situation that so many people may be out of work that the rest of the people cannot help them, even though there may be enough natural resources to provide for a larger population. (Let's remember that though the resources may be available, you still must recover and distribute them) Before we discuss the final solution to overpopulation, let's take a walk down memory lane......back to the eugenics movement, and nope it did not start in NAZI Germany.

From the University of Virginia website: "The University of Virginia was home to supporters of the science of eugenics. Dr. H.E. Jordan who became Dean of the Department of Medicine at the University in 1939 delivered an address in 1912 in which he stated:
"It is not too much to say, I believe, that the idea of eugenics, based upon the science of eugenics, will work the greatest social revolution the world has yet known. Closely related to the concept of evolution, which has left its impress on every department of human thought, the idea of eugenics can hardly be compared with it in the pregnancy of its promise, the immensity of its scope, and in the serious import of its reception or neglect for the future trend of nations. It aims at the production and the exclusive prevalency of the highest type of physical, intellectual and moral man within the limits of human protoplasm."

and........"Most involuntary sterilizations occurred in the 1930s and 1940s, but some states, such as Virginia, continued the practice until the law was repealed in the 1970s. Most of the victims were poor and uneducated, and none received compensation. The alignment of eugenics and race purification is commonly associated with Nazi Germany, but the fervor of the eugenics movement in the United States is less widely acknowledged despite the vanguard role played by American scientists. These advocates pushed for the perfection of the human "gene pool" by influencing the reproductive process.
The impact of the Buck v. Bell decision was felt nationwide. After the 1927 decision affirmed Virginia's Eugenical Sterilization Law, there was a swift rise in the number of involuntary sterilizations in the United States. By the early 1930s, thirty American states had adopted eugenics laws. American eugenicists also pushed for anti-immigration measures and stricter laws to prevent racially mixed marriages. When signing the 1924 Immigration Restriction Act, President Calvin Coolidge stated: “America must remain American.”
The Nazis picked up the eugenics ball and ran with it, but the idea started here. There were other European countries that were engaging in eugenics as well, such as Sweden. The Nazis took the next step, going from sterilization to attempted extermination.

This brings me back to Dr. Teuter's blog post "Is Alzheimer's care a waste of money?" in which the main gist is that due to the extremely high cost of health care for Alzheimer's patients that we should just discontinue the care for these people. Certainly, it is a practical solution.

So, what other practical solutions can be found for reducing the population? Well, we could say if unemployment tops 15% that the additional unemployed could be eliminated. We can then start getting into the master race issue. We can eliminate the lard asses, the mental gnats (I'm thinkin' liberals, but the libs are probably thinking conservatives), gays, lezzies (the Bible says they have to go, but one would lament the loss of seeing a couple of hot babes getting it least that would have been my thinking in my pre-Christian days) cigarette smokers, (cigar smokers get a pass) cab drivers, golfers, Catholics etc.

Once we figure out who to off, then we must think about what to do with all those corpses. Seems like such a pity let them go to waste. We could turn them into a spreadable creamy food product that you can smear on crackers or toast. The only thing is, that with all the hazardous chemicals people ingest, you could only eat the Soylent Green twice a month or your health may suffer.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Double A-Bomb victims, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Akira Iwanaga and Kuniyoshi Sato

Below is an excerpt fro a TimesOnline blog article written by Richard Lloyd Perry: ( )

"Tsutomu Yamaguchi, Akira Iwanaga and Kuniyoshi Sato are either the luckiest or the unluckiest men alive, and after three days in their company and long hours of conversation, I still had no idea which. It is sixty years since their monstrous ordeal and all three are well into their ninth decade. Mr Sato, who is 86, uses a wheelchair after injuring his back, and 89-year old Mr Yamaguchi is almost deaf in one ear. But all of them exude the dignified vigour of elderly Japanese, the world’s healthiest and longest living race. “I was a heavy smoker,” Mr Yamaguchi told me during our first meeting, “but I gave up smoking and drinking when I was 50. I didn’t expect to live to 80. And now I’m well over 80.” The miracle is not that he is alive now, but that he made it past the age of 29.
Mr Yamaguchi and his friends are freaks of history, victims of a fate so callous and improbable that it almost raises a smile. In 1945, they were working in Hiroshima where the world’s first atomic bomb exploded 60 years ago this morning, on 6 August 1945. 140,000 people died as a result of the explosion; by pure chance, Mr Yamaguchi, Mr Sato and Mr Iwanaga, were spared. Stunned and injured, reeling from the horrors around them, they left the city for the only place they could have gone – their home town, Nagasaki, 180 miles to the west. There, on 9th August, the second atomic bomb exploded over their heads."

If you ever think you are having a bad week, stop and think about these three guys. Thanks to a bit of topographical good luck, these three men survive the Hiroshima blast only to find themselves in Nagasaki three days later. There is a passage in Perry's article that I actually found a bit humorous. Yamaguchi is back in Nagasaki reporting to the director that sent him to Hiroshima:
“Well, the director was angry. He reproached me for losing Sato. He said: ‘A single bomb can’t destroy a whole city! You’ve obviously been badly injured, and I think you’ve gone a little mad.’ At that moment, outside the window, I saw another flash and the whole office, everything in it, was blown over."

So, as soon as his boss says a single bomb can't destroy an entire city "Fat Man" blows up over their heads. Again, if you think you are having a bad day........

This certainly prompts a discussion about the morality of dropping atomic bombs on Japan. It's going to be a short discussion. It is always easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, but in the context of the time, Truman had no choice. I'm starting to see some revisionist history where things such as the Bataan Death March and the activities of Unit 731 are dropping from the history books. I remember about 8 or 9 years ago talking with a Marine Corps veteran of the Pacific who was in his eighties. He recounted an event where one of their men had become separated from their unit. When they found him several days later they discovered the Japanese had tortured him and cut around his anus and yanked his guts out. Estimated American casualties from an invasion of Japan were at least 250,000 and some estimates were over a million.

For those who think the war with Japan was already over, Japan still had over 2 million soldiers stationed on the main islands and almost 10,000 combat aircraft, most of which were being fitted for Kamikaze missions.

The second world war was a worldwide tragedy, but we had to do what we had to do.

Monday, March 30, 2009

16 Year old hooker paid with chicken nuggets.

Where is the outrage? They could have at least given her some sweet and sour sauce, those bastards!!!

From TVNZ: An Australian man who pimped a 16-year-old schoolgirl paid her with chicken nuggets for having sex with men, a court has been told.Ronald Vikash Gander, 27, and his 16-year-old girlfriend devised a plan to prostitute a teenage girl so they could afford the weekly $1,050 rent on a serviced inner-Brisbane apartment, the Brisbane District Court was told.
The court was told the girl made $4,500 for having sex with five middle-aged men in June last year.

Gander and his girlfriend used the money for living expenses and paid the girl nothing except for the occasional box of chicken nuggets. The court was told Gander's girlfriend - who cannot be named - threatened the student, who had run away from home, with eviction if she didn't continue having sex with clients to earn her keep. Judge Marshall Irwin described the prostitution offences as "sordid". "The girl was used as if she was a piece of meat ... and your conduct can properly be described as that of a sleaze merchant," Judge Irwin said.


I do not think Gander and his girlfriend were behaving any differently than many CEO's. The 16 year old hooker does the dirty work and her "bosses" feel entitled to take most of the money. (How many CEO's do you reckon are Christians? )

This is the typical selfishness one expects to see these days, due in large part to liberals who think it's OK to treat others like crap as long as they get what THEY want. It is just a symptom of a much larger problem. The elitist Obama administration thinks it's perfectly fine to give their elitist CEO friends trillions of taxpayer dollars while only paying lip service to those truly in need.

These bailouts must be a real kick in the balls to all those puppy-eyed Obama supporters who were hoping to get Government money or have their student loans forgiven or mortgages forgiven, etc. (We conservatives feel your pain as many of us were expecting much more from "W", but were highly disappointed.)

If more people would get to church, you'd be reading a lot less about stories such as the one above.