Thursday, February 11, 2010

U.S.Army/CIA spray aerosol LSD on French town in 1951.




Washington, DC (Vocus) February 3, 2010 — Prompted by a new book release, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research has received a confidential inquiry from the office of Erard Corbin de Mangoux, head of the French intelligence agency, Directorate General for External Security (DGSE), concerning a recent account of American government complicity in a mysterious 1951 incident of mass insanity in France. The DGSE is the French counterpart of the CIA.

The incident took place in the village of Pont-Saint-Esprit in southern France, and is described in a recent book about the 1953 death of an American biochemist, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments ( The book, by investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli Jr. (, was published in late November 2009 by TrineDay (, which specializes in books about “suppressed information.”

The strange outbreak severely affected nearly five hundred people, causing the deaths of at least five. For nearly 60 years the Pont-St.-Esprit incident has been attributed either to ergot poisoning, meaning that villagers consumed bread infected with a psychedelic mold, or to organic mercury poisoning. But Albarelli reports that the outbreak resulted from a covert LSD aerosol experiment directed by the US Army’s top-secret Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland. He notes that the scientists who produced both alternative explanations worked for the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company, which was then secretly supplying both the Army and CIA with LSD.


The effect was devastating, as a contemporary French report made clear: “It is neither Shakespeare nor Edgar Poe. It is, alas, the sad reality all around Pont-St.-Esprit and its environs, where terrifying scenes of hallucinations are taking place. They are scenes straight out of the Middle Ages, scenes of horror and pathos, full of sinister shadows.” Even Time magazine took notice: “Among the stricken, delirium rose: patients thrashed wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies, that their heads had turned to molten lead. Pont-Saint-Esprit’s hospital reported four attempts at suicide.”

A Department of Justice website on the dangers of LSD states that in the early 1950s “the Sandoz Chemical Company went as far as promoting LSD as a potential secret chemical warfare weapon to the U.S. Government. Their main selling point in this was that a small amount in a main water supply or sprayed in the air could disorient and turn psychotic an entire company of soldiers leaving them harmless and unable to fight.” The CIA entertained a number of proposals from American scientists concerning placing a large amount of LSD into the reservoir of a medium-to-large city, but, according to former agency officials, “the experiment was never approved due to the unexpected number of deaths during the operation in France.”


If this article isn't an eye opener, I do not know what is. Sandoz Pharmaceutical is now owned by Novartis. We tend to think of our Gov. shacking up with big pharma as a fairly recent gig, but it's been going on for over 50 years.


Also, the fact that a number of American scientists entertained the idea of placing a large amount of LSD into the reservoir of a medium to large American city should give us all pause. The fact that the experiment was even considered is disturbing. Is there any doubt our government could give a rats ass about us?


As a side note, I can imagine the conversation between the Army and Then President Truman...............


Army General: "Mr. President, we have a new chemical that may have potential as a weapon. It's called LSD and we want to test it on a small American town, perhaps a small town mostly populated by Negros."


President Truman: "Are you guys out of your minds!?! No way in hell are we going to chem bomb a small town full of Negros, if word of that ever got out we could lose their vote for generations. Now, if you can find a small town of wait, I have a better idea, just go ahead and test that LSD stuff on a bunch of "cheese eatin' surrender monkeys", the French.


Army General: "Great idea Mr. President, instead of a small French town, can we try it on Paris?"


As a side rant, I must say I tire of our Government constantly berating other countries for their record on human rights violations while we ignore our own.


Lets see, we initiated biowarfare on the Native American population by giving them smallpox infected blankets, then there was that Trail of Tears thing. In WWII we rounded up Japanese Americans and put them into concentration camps. We routinely overthrow governments so we can install "our" guys, who are usually ruthless dictators.


Hmmmmmm, then we have torture, the mass bombing of civilians during wartime (we needed to nuke Japan though, no doubt about that one) blah, blah, blah.........


Just what kind of scumbags are we to chem bomb a small town of an allied nation. (Admittedly, it IS France, but still) 


Another sad chapter in our history.

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