Sunday, October 18, 2009

Into a Corner

Well, the Goldstone Report is out ( ) and it clearly points out Israeli war crimes in Gaza.


740. The Mission finds that Iyad al-Samouni was part of a large group of civilians who were leaving their homes and walking towards Gaza City in an area under the complete control of the Israeli armed forces. His hands were tied with white plastic handcuffs. The soldier who opened fire on him should have known, on the basis of the plastic handcuffs if not of coordination with his fellow soldiers stationed in Asaad al-Samouni’s house a few hundred metres away, that he had been searched and detained by the Israeli armed forces. In opening fire on Iyad al-Samouni, the Israeli armed forces shot deliberately at a civilian who posed no threat to them.

741. While the fire directed at Iyad al-Samouni could have been intended to incapacitate rather than to kill, by threatening his family members and friends with lethal fire, the Israeli armed forces ensured that he did not receive lifesaving medical help. They deliberately let him bleed to death.


In my opinion, this further forces Israel's hand in having to attack Iran in order to deflect scrutiny from their war crimes. As I previously reported, Israel has taken early delivery of two more nuclear missile capable German subs. It should take them at least a month to get the crews up to speed, so anytime after, say, mid November look for an attack.

Further complicating things is Russia's desire to delay sanctions. It is telling that the Russians made this statement after Israel said if sanctions weren't working by Christmas they would attack Iran, so the Russian desire to delay sanctions had guaranteed an attack on Iran. Gee, you think Putin may have been behind that?

There is also the U.S. desire to speed up production of large bunker busting conventional munitions. It is my feeling that it may prevent Israel from having to use tactical nukes to take the Iranian sites out. I think we feel the international reaction to an Israeli attack would be milder if nukes were not involved. From the Israeli standpoint, they will use whatever it takes to get the job done.

We also have the following from CBS: "Instead, the crowd heard experts suggesting the military option is a very realistic one; and a retired U.S. Air Force general said Israel might open fire first - and that the United States would find it wise to join in.

Gen. Charles Wald, former head of strategic planning and policy for the Air Force who also had been deputy commander at U.S. European Command, said a bombing campaign - while "unpalatable" - could set back Iran's nuclear work for many years.

"I don't think Israel can do it alone," Wald added. "They have a fantastic military, but not big enough for weeks or months of attacks - hundreds of sorties per day."

So, we have an American General basically saying that that a prolonged attack on Iran would be necessary. Some of us on OS have speculated about this. I believe President Obama would like to sit out an attack on Iran, but our military understands we are obligated to aid Israel. I think if Obama balks at assisting Israel, we may see a coup here in the U.S. as the military is making it quite clear that they will help Israel regardless.

With each passing day Israel is feeling more pressure to attack Iran. It's going to happen. Who will be the big winner(s) if it does?

Well, the Russians have announced two joint ventures with India. One is to build a supersonic cruise missile that is virtually impossible to shoot down. The missiles can travel at mach 3 and can operate in groups to wit: "The missiles are so clever that they not only detect a target but develop a plan of attack based on the enemy’s air defense. They know exactly which target is the primary one, which of them is an attacker and which is a defender. When the main target is destroyed, they re-prioritize and continue with the attack. (Pravda)"

The second joint venture is the collaboration on a 5th generation fighter. As an aside, the Russians are relocating their Backfire bomber production line to China.

Thus we see great cooperation between Russia, India and China. We must also consider efforts to end the dollar as the main reserve currency. The Russians and Arabs would like to see this and, in actuality, it is already happening. The United States is getting weaker and weaker at a time when we need strong, solid leadership. Our military is going to aid Israel, is Obama going to join them?

Here are a couple of videos taken during the campaign and on election night that may indicate where Obama's true sympathies lie:






Oh boy! are we in trouble.

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