Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The French: Money for Nothing, Chicks for Free.

From the Guardian:

"The deputy chief executive of France Telecom today resigned in the wake of a spate of staff suicides that unions have blamed on a bullying management style and brutal approach to restructuring.

The former state monopoly, now Europe's third-biggest phone company, has seen its brand name, Orange, suffer a public relations disaster as 24 workers have killed themselves in shocking circumstances in the last 18 months, with at least a dozen others making failed attempts to take their lives. Some staff were found dead in their workplace or left harrowing notes blaming the company for "management by terror" and bullying.

In the latest death, a 51-year-old threw himself off a bridge in the Alps after being moved from a back-office job to one in a call centre. Previously, a 32-year-old jumped from her office in front of colleagues at the end of the working day. Both left notes blaming unbearable working conditions and enforced job changes."


So, why are the French really killing themselves? Because they finally have to work for a living. No more 30-35 hour work weeks, no more 30-90 day vacations, shucks, life is hell. (Well, they still have that stuff, but not for much longer)

Although the under 35 crowd in America would not know a good days work if it bit them in the ass, the United States as a whole is still at least twice as productive as other countries.

In less than 200 years from the Declaration of Independence, we have gone from musket technology to developing the technology and infrastructure to put a man on the moon.

Meanwhile, cave paintings discovered in France indicate a human presence in that area for at least 13,000 years; and in that entire span of time the French have learned how to do three main things: Stomp grapes, make a souffle and invent gay porn movies.

Yet, for some reason, the world is enamored with French culture--of which there really isn't any. (If only von Choltitz had carried out his orders)

I particularly have to laugh at the fact the French are pissed that McDonalds wants to open a restaurant at the Louvre as it is seen as an insult to French culture. Yeah, I guess those French produced golden shower videos are so much more high culture than a Mickey D's.

This illustrates why we never should have rebuilt an ungrateful Europe after WWII.

One also has to wonder about any country where their females do not know how to use a razor. Men do not find hairy legs or armpits particularly appealing. (Though some French chicks do shave now--progress)

Frankly, it's pretty pathetic that you have people killing themselves over a changing job assignment because it is too stressful. Ask any American small business owner, many of whom work 12-14 hrs./day 7 days a week, about stress. Ask any American salesman who works on straight commission about stress. We aren't jumping out of windows because we have learned how to develop a thick skin and understand what it is to work for a living, unlike much of Europe.

Even in the midst of a horrible economic situation, most of us Americans are bucking up and dealing with it as best we can.

If you French want to keep killing yourselves 'cause y'all finally have to work for a living and may be losing that big government tit to suck on (I'm not talking about a safety net), then go ahead and keep up the good work.

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