Friday, September 18, 2009

Paglia supports Birthers/Keep following the money.

Back on August 5th, I wrote a post called Follow the Money which dealt with my opinion that if something were to happen to Obama it would not be at the hands of a pissed off redneck, but instead, that it would be the result of Obama ticking off a big money special interest who would do him in.

I also commented on Orly Taitz latest birther lawsuit and that her husband was in the tank with Novartis pharmaceutical. I mentioned that the birther movement might still have wings.

Lo and behold, Salon's own cultural critic Camille Paglia, in an NPR interview, stated that the birthers may have a point.

From WND:

Feminist icon Camille Paglia, a columnist who earlier wrote about the ambiguities of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, now has told a National Public Radio audience that those who have questions about his eligibility actually have a point.


President Obama

Talking to the NPR program "On Point" this week, she provided a defense to the citizens who carried protest signs asking "Where's The Birth Certificate" at the recent protests that drew hundreds of thousands to Washington.

The program discussion focused on the "civility" of the political attacks on both Obama and his critics. One caller to the program described his visit to Washington and the myriad signs questioning Obama's eligibility to be in office.

"It was unbelievable. It was absolutely everywhere," the caller stated.

Paglia responded:

First of all, I reject the idea that the 'birther' campaign is motivated by racism. There may be racism among it, but there are legitimate questions about the documentation of Obama's birth certificate. I'm sorry, I've been following this closely from the start. To assume that all those signs about the birth controversy were motivated by racism, that is simply wrong.

She continued, explaining she first came on the scene in the 1990s and has dealt with cries of sexism and homophobia, calling such battle cries "emotional" triggers.


Paglia said the fact there was little racism in the campaign against Obama is evidenced by the fact he "was elected by white people."

Criticism of Obama, instead, is coming because of the "strategic failures he is making in pushing this very important issue of health care reform."

According to the Washington Independent, the exchange was "compelling."

Paglia, a professor of humanities and media studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and columnist, earlier wrote, "Yes, there were ambiguities about Obama's birth certificate that have never been satisfactorily resolved. And the embargo on Obama's educational records remains troubling."

Her commentary at that time addressed Obama's "painful missteps," and she addressed charges that Obama has suffered from poor advice.

"The buck stops with the top executive. But we all know how little executive experience Barack Obama has had. He was elected for his vision and his steady, deliberative character, not his résumé. For better or worse, Obama is learning as he goes – and surely most fair-minded people would grant him reasonable leeway as he grows into the presidency, one of the hardest jobs in the world," she wrote.

"At a certain point, however, Obama will face an inescapable administrative crux. Arriving at the White House, he understandably stayed in his comfort zone by bringing old friends and allies with him …. But these comrades may not have the practical skills or broad perspective to help Obama govern," wrote Paglia.

Citing "one needless gaffe after another," including the "embarrassing incident" in which Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia, she wrote about the "ambiguities" about his birth certificate and the "troubling" status of Obama's concealed educational records.

Link to rest of article:


I'm not going to get into whether or not Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya, it does not matter. If enough big money interests are upset with Obama, then whether he was born in Kenya or not, he WILL have been born in Kenya and thrown out of office......or worse.

For the moment, Obama has apparently calmed big pharma and the insurance industry by stating he will take the public option off the table, but his cancelling of the Euro  missile defense system and the cutting of key pet defense projects put him in jeopardy from big defense.

Obama has also angered many of his base by continuing Bush/Cheney policies and not delivering on his many promises.

Considering the magnitude of the Obama enemies list, I'd say the best he can hope for at this point is to be removed from office by some legal means, but more and more it is looking like his enemies will take that option off the table and just eliminate him outright.

America is heading for some really turbulent times in the not too distant future I'm afraid. I'm no fan of Obama's, but for the sake of his family and the nation, I hope he gets through this mess OK. (But, sadly, I do not think he will.)

Keep up the good work Camille...........NOT!

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