Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dirty Bomb Seized in U.S.---Where was the MSM?

The following was taken from the Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center, Daily Summary #2009-036, Friday, 16 January 2009:

9 December 2008 Discovery of Radiological Dispersal Device
Components, Literature, and Radioactive Material at the
Maine Residence of an Identified Deceased US Person

On 9 December 2008, radiological dispersal device components and literature, and radioactive materials, were discovered at the Maine residence of an identified deceased USPER James Cummings. Cummings had possible ties to white supremacist groups.

On 9 December 2008, four one-gallon containers of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide, lithium metal, thermite, aluminum powder, beryllium, boron, black iron oxide, and magnesium ribbon were discovered at theCummings' residence. (FBI comments: Literature on constructing 'dirty bombs'; information referring to cesium-137, strontium-90, and cobalt-60; and possible evidence linking James ((Cummings)) to white supremacist groups were also discovered.)

(Source comments: Amber ((Cummings)) admitted to the shooting death of her husband James Cummings citing years of mental, physical, and sexual abuse. Amber Cummings retained legal counsel upon being questioned by law enforcement about any involvement with white supremacists. James Cummings was reported to have inherited two million dollars and to have resided in multiple states prior to relocating to Maine.)

Amber ((Cummings)) indicated James was very upset with Barack Obama being elected President. She indicated James had been in contact with 'white supremacist group(s)'. Amber also indicated James mixed chemicals in the kitchen sink at their residence and had mentioned 'dirty bombs'. (Source comment: State authorities detected radiation emissions in four small jars in the residence labeled 'uranium metal', as well as one jar labeled 'thorium.' The four jars of uranium carried the label of an identified US company.) (FBI comment: Further preliminary analysis on 30 December 2008 indicated an unlabeled jar to be a second jar of thorium. Each bottle of uranium contained depleted uranium 238. Analysis also indicated the two jars of
thorium held thorium 232.)

An application for membership in the National Socialist Movement, which had been completed by James Cummings was discovered.

FBI comments: Uranium, thorium, cesium-137, strontium-90, and cobalt-60 are radioactive isotopes. 35 percent hydrogen peroxide is a necessary precursor for the manufacture of peroxide-based explosives. Lithium metal, thermite, and aluminum are materials used to sensitize and amplify the effects of explosives.

The identified US Company in this report sold the depleted uranium online.
Source: FBI IIR 4 218 1563 09

Other than a mention in the Bangor Daily News, this story received only scant other publicity. Cummings plan was, apparently, to detonate the bomb at the inauguration. I might also note that had Cumming's wife not killed him, he would have succeeded since no law enforcement agency was aware of his plot.

This should have been headline news on every channel and front page news in every newspaper since this guy had the money and material to do his dirty deed. (And journalists wonder why they are considered jokes by most Americans)

American press, DO YOUR JOBS.

1 comment:

  1. Mainstream media in the US is a subsidiary of the CIA. Only processed, sanitized, approved news is allowed to be released, alongside manufactured, tailored, and crafted propaganda, avoiding the relevant, important, and truthful stories. The failure of America is being driven by our own government. Our government is causing more harm and damage to American's than any terrorist organization could dream of.
