Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael and Elvis: Nowhere else to go.

Michael Jackson began his career around the age of 11. Elvis Presley began his career at roughly 18. One a child and the other a young adult, but both young.

Both performers were immensely talented. Elvis was the King of rock and Roll and Jackson was the King of Pop.

I suppose as a conservative Christian I could make the statement that both men lived sinful, unrepentant lives and were called home earlier than one would expect due to judgement being rendered on them, but there is another issue.

Michael Jackson produced some of the world's most popular records and so did Elvis Presley. Both men were and are idolized. Both men were pioneering entertainers and there were times when both men lived fast, hard lives.

Elvis Presley died from a drug overdose and so, it appears did Michael Jackson. (It looks like both had overdosed on Demerol) Elvis had been making something of a comeback and Jackson had planned to return to live performances.

The bottom line is both men had to die when they did. Though they were on the comeback trail, they were simply not the men they were at their peak. There were the drug and scandal issues and could anyone really have wanted to see these two men continue a performance slide into their seventies or later?

No, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley had to die when they did because they had nowhere else to go.

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