Sunday, March 22, 2009

The times they are a changin'.

The Oakland California police department suffered the loss of four officers as a result of a saturday shootout that started after a routine traffic stop conducted by two motorcycle patrolman and ended in a final shootout with SWAT officers. Three police were killed outright and the fourth officer is on life support but has been declared brain dead. The four officers killed were Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, Sgt. Ervin Romans, 43, Sgt. Daniel Sakai, 35, and Officer John Hege, 41. The fine upstanding citizen that shot them was Lovelle Mixon, 26. Mixon was killed by the SWAT team who, thoughtfully, saved the Oakland taxpayers the cost of a trial and jail time before the bad guy would have been executed. I cannot find mention of nor do I remember a similar circumstance in recent memory where four police were killed, however, there have been a couple of similar incidents. (We pray for the souls of the officers and even for the soul of the bad guy; we do not get forgiveness if we do not give forgiveness)

There was the infamous 1986 Miami Shootout in which FBI agents Gerald Dove and Benjamin Grogan were killed and five other agents were severely wounded. They were trying to arrest a couple of heavily armed bank robbers, who were both expert marksman.

In 1997 there was the North Hollywood shootout in which two bank robbers, also heavily armed, but were lousy shots, wounded 10 police and SWAT officers. Had the bad guys been better marksman, those 10 injuries could have easily been 10 fatalities.

Now, the liberal take on this will be that the poor, downtrodden, oppressed bad guy was being unnecessarily harassed by the hate filled, bigoted po-lice and not only is it society's fault, but we need to ban assault rifles and guns in general so this kind of thing will not happen again. (ask the Aussies what happened to their violent crime rate after they banned and confiscated most guns there)

My take on this is a bit different. The Godless liberal swine, who have been extremely successful at removing God from school, Government and our everyday lives and who have fostered an educational system that rewards stupidity, led to the current situation we now find ourselves in. In the not too distant past, even the bad guys had some respect for law enforcement. Officer shootings were not unknown, but were extremely rare. Couple a failed education system with the break up of the traditional family, remove God, and you end up with a bunch of selfish, Satan loving animals looking only for their self-gratification. (Thanks liberals, job well done) They could care less whether they were shooting a policeman or a six year old kid. If we could only humanely euthanize liberals in the spirit of Godly love and compassion......................

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